Sunday, July 4, 2010

New week, new start and getting off my butt for games

I like looking at the calendar and seeing a new row of days to go through. It makes me think that last week happened, it's in the past, Hakuna Matata and all that. So despite yesterday's weigh in that we won't talk about, this is a new week!

I woke up and hauled myself out of bed shortly after 8 this morning. After the obligatory playing with the kitties, I headed downstairs to work out with my EA Active. Of the workout games I have for the Wii (Biggest Loser, Wii Sports, Wii Resorts & Active) I find that this one gives me the full body workout. Tons of squats, lunges and workout with the resistance bands to sculpt the arms and back. Seriously, my fave of all.

That being said, I'm looking forward to the new games that Microsoft's XBox 360 is coming out with Kinect. Like the Wii, it's going to be motion sensored, minus the need for a remote or board in hand. The "Your Shape" game looks like it has potential to be pretty hard core if used properly. And I'm seeing some fun in the future with Zumba! I can shake it like I mean it without worrying how I look next to those other girls at the Y.

I'm a big fan of these games that get you up off the couch and playing. My husband is old school and likes to just sit and hold the remote. I wonder how he'll be with Kinect? I know he's only meh with the Wii, but....who knows?

Okay, on to the fun stuff with Mannland's Getting to Know You Sunday

1. What do you look forward to the most on the 4th of July?

As a Canadian, this is just another day for me. Canada Day means a nice day off and fireworks. I guess I do like to watch the Macey's Fireworks from NYC, though. Always nice!

2. Are you a hugger?
Yes! My family is mostly huggers, which I understand some people find it off putting. I guess it's just the way we were brought up. My husband...not a hugger, but he endures it from my family from time to time. That's love!

3. What is your favorite BBQ'd food?
I think everything is better on the grill. Pizza, veggies, nachos...everything. But a perfectly grilled steak or a juicy chicken breast...yum! Oh and corn. I take off the husk and silks and put it right on the grill, turning it every two minutes or so. When it starts to get grill marks or the kernels pop, it's juicy and ready! Now I know what to have for supper tonight!

4. Do you like to watch parades?
I love parades! The bands, the floats, the balloons...however I will only love a parade as long as there are no clowns. Clowns are evil. Clowns will kill you. Yup. True story. No clowns.

5. Who has stinkier farts..boys or girls?
Oh lord, boys for sure. I'm sure that they are brought up in a secret society that teaches them how to ferment their gas before releasing it. DH, I'm talking about you here. Ugh.

6. Vampires or Werewolves?

7. Do you read your horoscope?
All the time. There are days when it's spot on and scary how accurate it is. Other days, I'm like, you weren't talking about this Gemini!

8. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Have you seen the size of my butt??? What flavour don't I like, lol. But seriously, I'd say some kind of chocolate. Or the Bailey's Irish Cream flavoured. Mmmm.....

Okay! Off to enjoy the gorgeous day we've been given! Link back to Mannland with your own GTKY!

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