Monday, July 5, 2010

Frustration...thy name is scale

So I am a scale addict. There is no 12 step program to break this love I have with my scale. It's something deep and true.

That being said, I have a love-hate relationship with it.Obviously on Saturday we were not friends. I tried to make amends with it this morning by reminding it how much it meant to me and spending some time with it.

It teetered on 199.8 before popping up to 200.6 when I finally stood still.

Let's look at that bar on the left-hand side and the weight it tracked on the 3rd. You see that 202? Yeah, so do I. Now, it's not like I don't know why the scale was mean to me on Saturday. I didn't drink my water Thursday and Friday, despite working out. I can't blame the scale. But I do. It's an easy target.

So this week....I'm going in with good expectations. I'm drinking my water, being at work all 5 days. Even though it's horridly humid and gross, I'm going to morning workouts inside the gym instead of evening workouts outside on the field. I'm doing my EA Active and making good choices. I'm setting myself up to see that 200 mark, or possibly less, on Saturday morning.

I can do it.

I will do it.

I may have had some ice cream on my pineapple bowl just now.

Hush. Don't tell the scale or it'll be mean again.

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