Saturday, April 3, 2010

Helloooooo Spring!

Oh I've been a horrible blogger this week. I haven't read many, nor did I even think to post. It's been a pretty busy week, but very enjoyable, too.

Today the sun is out, the sky is blue and we're sitting at 21 degrees. Seriously odd for this area of Canada, let alone Easter Weekend which has been notoriously dirty for the past few years. But I'm not complaining. I'm out on my front porch curled up with the cats and watching the traffic go by.

I'm down a pound this week. I was really hoping for a bigger loss, but really, it's still amazing to lose a pound.

Now to avoid the easter chocolates and keep that pound off!  This year there is no family dinner planned for Easter, so I can save myself the calories from mounds of scalloped potatoes and ham and fixings. Instead, this evening we're having a nice steak supper. I've bought a ton of asparagus to grill up alongside it and a nice quiet evening in...which may include one tiny bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs...c'mon....I need a little something :P

There have been some things I've wanted to talk about on here about my weight loss, but I'm not sure yet just how to approach it. It's something that is making me self concious, but maybe the blogosphere will have an answer for me.

Well, the sun is moving, so I'm going to shift my body to soak up some much needed Vitamin D. Dr. Oz says we need it, so I'm getting my prescribed amount.

Hoppy Easter

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