Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday

Courtesy of MannLand it's Getting to Know you Sunday! Something I am getting to look forward to considering that Sundays are so drab with Monday following suit.

But for the moment, I whoop it up like it's Saturday morning and I had Friday off, lol.

1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?

How about a spattering of hair? I think hairless and it brings visions of those greased up MMA fighters the girls at work talk about. Hairy and I think Harry and the Hendersons. So a nice spattering of the inbetween is fine by me!
2. How often do you run red lights?
Never. I'm actually a pretty cautious driver. I sometimes will run a yellow, though, if I figure I don't have time to stop. Which is illegal in town, now, life on the edge!

3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..whose would you raid?
I'd have to say Reese Witherspoon and Anne Hathaway. I think they both pull off that graceful, comfortable and classic looks which are just absolutely gorgeous.

4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
Hmmm...I'd say Blog! I think it is such a great place for thoughts and support.
5. What makes you feel sexy?
My husband. He never makes me feel anything less than perfect.
6. I get excited when...........?
Oh lord...I get excited very easily. It could be finding money in a winter jacket, having the perfect cup of coffee or a really nice day. Just makes my day and then some.

7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
Indoorsy. I enjoy walking and spending time relaxing outside, but you wouldn't find me roughing it in the woods or anything like that.

8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
I would say a million dollars. My dream home would include way too high property taxes, ha ha.

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