Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weigh-in Woes

Well, I'm down this week. A whopping total of 0.4.

These past couple of weeks have been very frustrating for me on the scale. In three weeks I've only managed to lose a pound, something that I was doing every week a month ago.

I stopped going to Curves, but I've been meeting nearly those same activity points and then some by doing other exercises.

I could blame the stress of Oscar's passing which I'm still carrying around some grief. I could blame Wednesday's horrible out of control food lust.

Instead I'm going to sigh heavily, shrug my shoulders and go about my day...a day which holds horrors of its own....

I'm dragging myself to Shediac to try on some bathingsuits for our trip to Florida later this month. Last year's bathingsuit does not fit anymore (yay!) and I need something new to torture myself with look glam in.

And in three more weeks, our instructor has announced a second bootcamp night in support of Relay for Life. There's nothing that's holding me back from that!


  1. Can i just tell you that Land's End has the BEST swimsuits for us overweight gals?! Seriously - you get it measured for YOU, so it's very much customized just for your body. Mind is from there & it's the only one that doesn't make me feel as fat as i really am. :) I don't get anything else from there; i just happened to find that their suits rock. Just thought i'd share! :)

    Anyway, i feel ya on the scale. I've recently got to where i'm losing 1 lb per week, which is good enough, but i hope to lose 2-3 a week at some point! But there were WEEKS were i lost NOTHING, despite all the positive changes i was making! If you look on my sidebar where it says "significant points along the way" & click on the one that says "when i realized the truth about the scale"...that is the blog that changed my way of thinking about the scale. It just is really good - you should read the part in italics at least!

    don't worry - the weight will come off!

  2. Thanks Melissa! You are one heck of an inspiration! I'm heading over now to read that entry! I wish we had a Land's End here :( There are so many cooler shops in the U.S. and most other parts of Canada than here in the East. Must border hop at some point :D

  3. Hi - twotoast here from WW just dropping by to say hello and say what a great idea this is to blog about our successes and to generally keep in touch!

    I look forward to keeping in touch and finding out more about my fellow 'losers' :o)
