Monday, May 10, 2010

Such a bad blogger am I

First of all, thank you for your kind words. Hitting that 2lb mark after a couple of lousy weeks makes me feel a heck of a lot better! And yes, my scale will make house calls, ha ha.

I have been so busy that blogging took the back burner. But it was for good reason. We're planning a trip to Disney in a couple of weeks and I have been running the roads to find something to wear.

See, this is my city in June:

Well, okay, not really, but that's what it will feel like in comparison to hot Florida, right? Not to mention my legs are just as white as that snowy background.

Now, I wouldn't call myself cheap by any means, but I'm pretty frugal when it comes to buying some things. Lately it has been clothing. I hate the thought of buying anything full price right now since I have no plans on having my right now clothes fit me this time next year. So I have been hittng up Kijiji and thrift stores in my area trying to find summerwear that is Disney friendly.

And I've had no luck :(

I did break down and buy some cute denim capris at Reitman's (I LOVE YOU REITMANS,lol) and a pair of shorts at Old Navy. Paired with a couple of other items I should be safely dressed and rated PG for the Disney cast members.

Have I mentioned that this is my first time ever to Disney and I am in fact a Disney freak? Yeah...pray for my hubby :P

Kickboxing is calling, but I am going to be a better blogger. I have a lot to share right now and I think it's going to be scary and fun and just downright nuts!


  1. Oooh! Disney sounds fun! Will the new 'Hogwarts' area be opened? Have a great time and do LOADS of walking to get those AP's in :o)

  2. I hope the Hogwarts will be open...must call them next week to check on that. And yup, I hope to get many AP's in. I have my pedometer ready for the go!
