Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oooh doozy! Getting to Know you Sunday

Ugh. I had way too much wine last night. Two good glasses. Mind you it was great wine, but when I broke out the LIPS game on the XBox...well, I should have known better than to try and face a very sunny day like this so early, ha ha.

We're having a date afternoon today. I look forward to these days when we get out of the house and not do something that is home reno related. We're going to have lunch at A&W (I'm going with the 7 Point Chicken Grill and a side salad with a diet root beer) and then to see Iron Man 2. I'm a Marvel Geek...I can't help but love these movies.

So there's something new you can know about me. Let's see what MannLand can pry out of me today!

1. The most expensive thing hanging in my closet is.....?

Up until a week ago it was my wedding dress. I love my dress, but it's a size 24 and no one in my family wears that size. I brought it to a consignment shop last week so that another bride to be can feel as gorgeous as I did that day!

I guess now the most expensive thing would be my rehearsal dress which is strapless and flowy. It's a 3x but it's the kind of material that I can still wear now!

2. Have you ever played a team sport?
As kids we would have games of softball for an afternoon at family gatherings. But that's as close as it got. I was always a big kid and, well, never really encouraged to play sports for school or anything. Looking back that makes me feel pretty sad.

3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be?
I want to say butterfly, but I don't know if those are bugs. How about a lightening bug? I'd love for my butt to have some kind of purpose in life and a reason for being big. So there you go. Light up my butt!

4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned? (thanks Ian)
I'm a pale redhead. I don't think there's a part of me that has not experienced a sunburn due to my own stupidity or faulty sunscreen (there's a reason that you should buy a new bottle each year). The most painful would be the back of my legs. You don't give that part of the body enough credit until you have to sit or bend your knees. Yup. Ouch.

5. Are you happy?
I'm content. I guess that's close. There are a lot of things in my life that I would love to change a little and a few I would like to change a lot. But I only have control over myself. So I'm content with how I'm coming along.

6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them?
I strongly dislike texting for this reason. I would guess it is common words that would be complete but for some reason people shorten them. There's not one in particular. I think the thing that really peeves me is when people cannot get "Their", "There" or "They're" straight. Not to mention "To", "Too" or "Two". Ugh.

7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?
I love my city. It's not too big, it's close to the sea and family. I couldn't live in a large city like New York or Toronto. Heck, I know I couldn't stand to live in Halifax either. Nope, it's good right where it is. I could live almost anywhere around my city, though...if that counts?

8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full?
Oh, this is a good one. I have done a lot since there are more than enough times when I know I'm full, but I keep eating. Pouring an obscene amount of salt on top of food so that it's inedible. Squished a napkin on my plate. Asked someone to remove the plate from me completely. I know my limit. Sometimes I just don't know how to put the brakes on and I need some assistance.

Well, off to the movie. Going to take some aspirin, too. Got to say, Pelee Island wines is not something you soon forget!

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