Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Inspired Start

I have been reading so many inspiring blogs over the past month which have been motivating me to be better, work better and stay on plan. I see how these women use this outlet to track their progress, share successes and losses, brighten a day and share their own learnings. I figured it was more than time that I get into this as well.

I started my weight loss at my heaviest, 270lbs, in February 2008. I started by doing the Biggest Loser Club and lost 30lbs before losing interest by August 2008. Maybe it was the summer months, maybe it was that my online support moved on to different plans. But really, I just let myself down with it.

I maintained that weight until February 2009 when I joined Weight Watchers Online. I was a WW drop out from several years back. I knew the plan worked and I lost 15lbs before I dropped interest again in the Fall. Thankfully some friends at work started up and I felt a boost. I started working out at Curves but was not doing a lot.

In January 2010 I was fed up with myself, my attitude about this and my lack of my own self worth/motivation in this. I joined a cardio kickboxing class and have become a tracking demon (most days). I've finally hit 55lbs gone since two years ago and I know this is just the beginning.

I have a wonderful and supporting husband who isn't afraid of reminding me when I stray off course. He married me when I was at my worst and has helped me become my best. Without his support I think I may never have been able to get my footing in the right direction.

So that's where I am, somewhere on the climb, still finding my footing, but determined to continue heading in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I have found the weight loss bloggers to be SO encouraging, more than anyone else, because they UNDERSTAND the most. Some of us all follow the same people & I'm always wishing we could all meet! HA! Anyway, thanks again & i look forward to reading about your journey. =)
