Friday, April 16, 2010


The groceries have been bought and I didn't buy a pre-packaged meal or snack. That was difficult considering that the Smart Ones were on sale at a very good price. But I walked by them, along with the frozen pizzas, Fiber One bars and 100-calorie snack packs.

What I did fill up on was fresh and frozen fuits and veggies, bran muffin mix (I figure this can replace my Fiber Ones), and Kozy Shak tapioca. Still pre-packaged, but I figured I'd give it a go as a morning mix with the fruit. And it will replace my usuall FF Jell-O pudding (mmm..sweet chocolate).

One of the things I am most excited about is preparing a few meals for the week to get me through lunches (I usually eat 8-9 pts including a pudding) and when the husband is working through suppertime. I bought a large eggplant and will be making the Hungry Girl "No Harm Eggplant Parm" recipe for an uber filling meal! Check out how good this looks:

I can't wait to dig in!

Kickboxing is tonight and I'm hoping that it'll bring me down on the scale. I haven't been up very high (I fluctuate as high as 5lbs during a week) but normally I see a lower number by Friday. Let's see if a serious butt-kicking will move me tonight, ha ha

On another note, my uncle Oscar went into surgery yesterday to remove a cancerous organ. From my cousin's update to the family, he advised us that his right lung was removed as it was full of cancer and black. They completely closed off that airway and connections through to the heart. They removed a rib and replaced it with a chest muscle they secured to the heart. Uncle Oscar was a heavy smoker and sun worshiper and one of the best men that God has ever graced this earth with.

I'm happy to know this morning that he is up and eating jello, drinking water and does not need a breathing tube or oxygen. He will be in pain for a while and I'll continue to pray for his recovery. But I can't help but think of how much more strongly I feel against smoking and the adverse effects of sunworshiping. I'm all for getting my Vitamin D, but will continue to do so with a high SPF.

Something to think about.

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