Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday

Where did this long weekend go? Back to the routine on Monday. But what a glorious weekend we had here in Eastern Canada. It was warm, sunny and just perfect. I lounged on the porch with the kitties and watched the world go by. Sure I should have been walking, but I was having a good time right where I was :P

Yay, Sunday also means Mannland's Questions. So much fun!

1. Showers or baths?

Considering that we only have a shower in the house, no baths here. Though I do love it when we're away and it's somewhere with a jet tub (which gets cleaned out beforehand, thank you...). Throw in some nice products from Lush into that bath and I'm as happy as a clam!

2. Do you have any crazy urges?

Singing, I guess would be my "crazy urge". Every now and then I just have to break out in song. Mostly at work because it's a fun stress reliever...though I don't know about the people who sit around me, ha ha. I'm a huge fan of the song "Don't Stop Believing" (hence the title of my blog) and this is before Glee, too. Steve Perry...oh where are you now....Anywho, that's the song I usually start out with. It's kind of like my theme song.

3. What is one thing we don't know about you?

Well, if I told you then that would kill the mystery....ha ha. Uhm...I cosplayed once with my then boyfriend at a convention in NC. It was an interesting experience, kind of like a really really long Halloween...which I really enjoy. I do love costumes, but just for fun.
4. it or hate it?

Depends on the exercise. I don't think I'd love a treadmill all the time, but it would be okay. I'd see it as a chore, though. Kickboxing on the other hand is something I eagerly look forward to every week. I wish it was 5 days instead of 3!

5. Do you think you have a good body image?

Not at all. But that's where getting myself in a good frame of mind is part of my goal list this year.
6. Flour or corn tortillas?

Uhm...Either, I guess. As long as the filling is good and I know what Points I have to put towards it, it'll go in my tummy :D
7. How do you celebrate Easter?

Usually with a dinner with the family. However this year the family bond has been tested to the extreme and we didn't get together. I visited my aunt this morning and saw my mother yesterday, but that was about it. At least one good thing...I didn't get a chocolate bunny!

8. Hard boiled Easter eggs or plastic eggs?
Hmmm....I've only ever been given foil wrapped chocolate ones....Yum!
So there it is in an Easter handbasket. I hope that everyone had a safe and happy weekend. More to come this week as I will be a better blogger :D

1 comment:

  1. I love all your answers! Thanks for sharing! Happy Monday!
