Saturday, May 15, 2010

Follow me Down...

Yay, another loss on the scale. This is pretty sweet to feel back in control and back on target. This past week was a challenge because I brought stuff into the house which I don't normally have and realized that is a big no-no for me.

My bff Rachelle makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. I figure that she laces them with crack or some other kind of addictive substance. Seriously, they are that good. When she put up an offer of 2 dozen into the United Way Silent Auction we had at work, I outbid everyone for them. All in the guise that they were a surprise gift for my loving husband. Uh huh. I don't think he bought it either.

I tracked the cookies and I'm not proud to say that I had 10. I normally may have 3 in a month. Thankfully her cookies are also kind of small. But that's not the point. My deep chocolate vitatops meant nothing to me in the face of these delish monsters.

And Cadbury 100 calorie chocolate mint bars. Ugh. How I love thee. I had one of those a day, too.

I was having those 100 calorie snacks all the time a while back. The Doritos, the Chocolate Bars, the Sun Chips. How yummy and so convenient. Then I realized that while they were yummy and convenient and packaged out nicely....I was still consuming 500+ calories of crap in a week.

So I started to ween myself off of them. At first it really was pretty difficult. I wanted all of that stuff because it was so good. But now, I honestly give them nothing more than a glance in the grocery aisle. This relapse was a stupid move and I have one chocolate bar left. I'll have it tonight with a glass of wine, but otherwise I am focusing on Onderland and getting myself to a better me!

I want to share with you guys a picture from June 2007. This was on my 31st birthday and two weeks before my wedding as we celebrated my bachelorette as well. Note that this isn't the most flattering photo, which is why I'm showing it. I was sitting around 272lb at this point, in my hands holding a tray of jello shots which I've mostly consumed by that point in the evening. I look at this as my beginning photo. To remind me of where I have come from. At the bottom of the photo I realized that that wasn't my stomach fat, but just the ab fat. And that I couldn't put the regular size garter belt around my leg any higher than my it went on the arm for the night. Something needed to be done.

Later on, I'll post a pic of where I am today. I feel so proud of where I have come from! Chocolate chip cookies be danged!

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