Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday!

Wow. It's going to be an awesome day here! It's 9 AM and already 15C (or 59F if you sway that way) with highs going to 28 (82) I can't wait to get out there!!! But there's still so much to do inside to get ready for the trip.

The cat sitter is coming in to get herself set up. My babies need some TLC when I'm not here. I'm one of those people who do see my cats as my children. We don't have any plans on having children and by the medical history of the women in my family, it would be dangerous for me to try anytime in my 30's. We're okay with that and we spoil our kids. Hence the kitty sitter.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I will definitely be making it a point, though, to get outside and soak up some sun on this sunny Sunday!

Now on with the Mannland Plan

1. Do you have a fetish?

My this is one way to start a Sunday! If we're going with something that I just absolutely adore and makes me so happy but is odd (I mean, I love getting new nailpolish and pretty clothes....) I would have to say a book that feels nice. I love holding a book in my hands and the feel of a soft cover.

2. Do you sing in the shower?
I sing everywhere. Not usually in the shower early mornings since DH is still asleep...but otherwise, I let the Journey rock those acoustics!3. Who was your first crush?
When I was four I told mom that I was going to marry Han Solo. And I do still have a crush on Harrison Ford. That man can do anything!4. What do you think is the best manly trait a guy could have?
I'm going with the nice manly hands. DH has awesome hands, hee hee. Also that old fashioned sense of taking care of "the woman". When we're out walking and we come to a curb, DH steps down first and kind of lifts my hand up a bit as if helping me. It's small, sweet and makes me feel taken care of.5. Do you sleep naked?
I enjoy PJ's. Nightdresses. Oversized t-shirts. But there comes a time in the summer when it's just too hot for your own skin.
6. What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?
Run my fingers over my face quickly to check to see that there's no unsightly breakouts that have occurred since the last time I checked the mirror.
7. What's the first thing you do when you go online?
In the morning I record my POINTS for the day and then read comics. I can't stand to leave the laptop without checking Lolcats either.
 8. Summer is.....?
Almost here. Not long enough. Pool time!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


So this week's weigh in blew me away. 2.2 lbs. I have no idea where it went, but I'm thinking that our two hour boot camp on Wednesday had something to do with it. It was another fund raiser for cancer and we even did a half our of yoga. It was perfect!

This brings me so close to Onderland. I have not been this weight since at least '93 and it feels amazing. I'm giddy. I'm excited. I'm scared out of my wits.

Yesterday at 5 I was officially on vacation. I don't know if I'm happier to be on vacation or happier to be away from work, but either way I'm out of my normal routine for a week. In fact I'll be out of my country as I am going to Disney for the very first time.

I'm such a Disney nut and I can't wait to go. When I think about seeing Mickey and Cinderella's castle...I can't help but cry. This is a dream come true (well that and the time I was back stage at Phantom, but that's another story). But this is also part of my biggest fear.

While driving home last night I was like, ha, I'm on vacation, let's stop off at McDonald's. I quickly quashed that since a - I had kickboxing and b - I had weigh in this morning. But that was my immediate mind set. Vacation = off plan.

My cousin who I am travelling with has already mentioned that we'll be going to the Cheesecake Factory. I've read enough Hungry Girl posts to be terrified of this heavenly place. I want to go to Olive Garden since I'm addicted to their salad (no croutons and dressing on the side, please). But what other temptations will there be?

Is Disney really enough walking to cover up all that food? I want to enjoy my vacation, but I really want to enjoy that feeling of coming home to Onderland.


Why are vacations so stressful?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Step by Step

(omg I love NKOTB) hee hee

Okay, so we're starting a walking challenge at work this week. We're in teams of 5 and the goal is to drink 64oz of water a day and to walk as many steps as possible. Teams win a catered lunch and a grand prize at the end.

I'm just putting this out there that when I hit team's going to rock!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oooh doozy! Getting to Know you Sunday

Ugh. I had way too much wine last night. Two good glasses. Mind you it was great wine, but when I broke out the LIPS game on the XBox...well, I should have known better than to try and face a very sunny day like this so early, ha ha.

We're having a date afternoon today. I look forward to these days when we get out of the house and not do something that is home reno related. We're going to have lunch at A&W (I'm going with the 7 Point Chicken Grill and a side salad with a diet root beer) and then to see Iron Man 2. I'm a Marvel Geek...I can't help but love these movies.

So there's something new you can know about me. Let's see what MannLand can pry out of me today!

1. The most expensive thing hanging in my closet is.....?

Up until a week ago it was my wedding dress. I love my dress, but it's a size 24 and no one in my family wears that size. I brought it to a consignment shop last week so that another bride to be can feel as gorgeous as I did that day!

I guess now the most expensive thing would be my rehearsal dress which is strapless and flowy. It's a 3x but it's the kind of material that I can still wear now!

2. Have you ever played a team sport?
As kids we would have games of softball for an afternoon at family gatherings. But that's as close as it got. I was always a big kid and, well, never really encouraged to play sports for school or anything. Looking back that makes me feel pretty sad.

3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be?
I want to say butterfly, but I don't know if those are bugs. How about a lightening bug? I'd love for my butt to have some kind of purpose in life and a reason for being big. So there you go. Light up my butt!

4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned? (thanks Ian)
I'm a pale redhead. I don't think there's a part of me that has not experienced a sunburn due to my own stupidity or faulty sunscreen (there's a reason that you should buy a new bottle each year). The most painful would be the back of my legs. You don't give that part of the body enough credit until you have to sit or bend your knees. Yup. Ouch.

5. Are you happy?
I'm content. I guess that's close. There are a lot of things in my life that I would love to change a little and a few I would like to change a lot. But I only have control over myself. So I'm content with how I'm coming along.

6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them?
I strongly dislike texting for this reason. I would guess it is common words that would be complete but for some reason people shorten them. There's not one in particular. I think the thing that really peeves me is when people cannot get "Their", "There" or "They're" straight. Not to mention "To", "Too" or "Two". Ugh.

7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?
I love my city. It's not too big, it's close to the sea and family. I couldn't live in a large city like New York or Toronto. Heck, I know I couldn't stand to live in Halifax either. Nope, it's good right where it is. I could live almost anywhere around my city, though...if that counts?

8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full?
Oh, this is a good one. I have done a lot since there are more than enough times when I know I'm full, but I keep eating. Pouring an obscene amount of salt on top of food so that it's inedible. Squished a napkin on my plate. Asked someone to remove the plate from me completely. I know my limit. Sometimes I just don't know how to put the brakes on and I need some assistance.

Well, off to the movie. Going to take some aspirin, too. Got to say, Pelee Island wines is not something you soon forget!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Follow me Down...

Yay, another loss on the scale. This is pretty sweet to feel back in control and back on target. This past week was a challenge because I brought stuff into the house which I don't normally have and realized that is a big no-no for me.

My bff Rachelle makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. I figure that she laces them with crack or some other kind of addictive substance. Seriously, they are that good. When she put up an offer of 2 dozen into the United Way Silent Auction we had at work, I outbid everyone for them. All in the guise that they were a surprise gift for my loving husband. Uh huh. I don't think he bought it either.

I tracked the cookies and I'm not proud to say that I had 10. I normally may have 3 in a month. Thankfully her cookies are also kind of small. But that's not the point. My deep chocolate vitatops meant nothing to me in the face of these delish monsters.

And Cadbury 100 calorie chocolate mint bars. Ugh. How I love thee. I had one of those a day, too.

I was having those 100 calorie snacks all the time a while back. The Doritos, the Chocolate Bars, the Sun Chips. How yummy and so convenient. Then I realized that while they were yummy and convenient and packaged out nicely....I was still consuming 500+ calories of crap in a week.

So I started to ween myself off of them. At first it really was pretty difficult. I wanted all of that stuff because it was so good. But now, I honestly give them nothing more than a glance in the grocery aisle. This relapse was a stupid move and I have one chocolate bar left. I'll have it tonight with a glass of wine, but otherwise I am focusing on Onderland and getting myself to a better me!

I want to share with you guys a picture from June 2007. This was on my 31st birthday and two weeks before my wedding as we celebrated my bachelorette as well. Note that this isn't the most flattering photo, which is why I'm showing it. I was sitting around 272lb at this point, in my hands holding a tray of jello shots which I've mostly consumed by that point in the evening. I look at this as my beginning photo. To remind me of where I have come from. At the bottom of the photo I realized that that wasn't my stomach fat, but just the ab fat. And that I couldn't put the regular size garter belt around my leg any higher than my it went on the arm for the night. Something needed to be done.

Later on, I'll post a pic of where I am today. I feel so proud of where I have come from! Chocolate chip cookies be danged!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dear Husband...

It's not a lot to ask, but when you buy my favourite bag of chips and sit them between us on the couch while we are playing Left 4 Dead 2, they are a huuuuge temptation to me and I am fighting the need to tear into this whole bag the day before weigh in.

As if PMS Max wasn't enough to deal with today.

I love you.
Your wife.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Clean up

So this week is Spring Clean Up Week in the city. I enjoy this week. It's a chance to slowly clean out all the stuff that clutters up our home.

I've been married for three years this June and when I moved into my husband's home earlier that year, I knew the move came with living with the chair....

I think every man has one. A beat up old broken chair that has more sentimental value than any family member could provide. My husband has such a chair. It sits in our front porch propped up on the wall and covered in cat hair.

Now, my husband doesn't sit in it. He never enjoys the porch either. But each year when Spring Clean Up happens, I suggest we clear the chair out. And every year he says no. End of story.

This year I worked my butt off and carried out a large chair from the porch and a table. There's a couch that is way too heavy to move myself (hopefully I can get him to help me tomorrow) and another chair that I will repurpose when I turn the front porch into my summer haven.

And yet the chair remains.

Maybe next year....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Such a bad blogger am I

First of all, thank you for your kind words. Hitting that 2lb mark after a couple of lousy weeks makes me feel a heck of a lot better! And yes, my scale will make house calls, ha ha.

I have been so busy that blogging took the back burner. But it was for good reason. We're planning a trip to Disney in a couple of weeks and I have been running the roads to find something to wear.

See, this is my city in June:

Well, okay, not really, but that's what it will feel like in comparison to hot Florida, right? Not to mention my legs are just as white as that snowy background.

Now, I wouldn't call myself cheap by any means, but I'm pretty frugal when it comes to buying some things. Lately it has been clothing. I hate the thought of buying anything full price right now since I have no plans on having my right now clothes fit me this time next year. So I have been hittng up Kijiji and thrift stores in my area trying to find summerwear that is Disney friendly.

And I've had no luck :(

I did break down and buy some cute denim capris at Reitman's (I LOVE YOU REITMANS,lol) and a pair of shorts at Old Navy. Paired with a couple of other items I should be safely dressed and rated PG for the Disney cast members.

Have I mentioned that this is my first time ever to Disney and I am in fact a Disney freak? Yeah...pray for my hubby :P

Kickboxing is calling, but I am going to be a better blogger. I have a lot to share right now and I think it's going to be scary and fun and just downright nuts!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Back on track!

I finally saw a loss on the scale that made me happy. Dropping 2 pounds this week was a relief. Could be that I also had a stern talking to the scale as well.

Thinking back, I tried to figure out what I did differently. But I actually reverted back to eating the way I was, packaged foods and all. This week I am going to do a happy medium of the past two weeks. Some packaged foods mixed in with some healthy lunches.

Today we are continuing gardening weekends. The past couple of weeks my husband and I have trekked out early in the morning to clear out weeds and trim down bushes. So far so great! This morning it's finally time to mow the lawn. I get to rake. Ugh. Not my favourite thing to do, but it's not mowing, either, ha ha.

I'm feeling a lot more confident in all of this. Much better overall!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Getting to Know you Sunday!

Wow...I can't believe that it's Sunday already. Where did the weekend go? It's a gorgeous day here with temps going up to 21 (going up to 70 for you Americans). My day is filled, though, with re-caulking the shower. Hopefully I'll have enough time to go outside and enjoy the rays a bit!

On to the Sunday tradition with Mannland and Getting to Know you Sunday!

1. Are you superstitious?

Pretty much, yes. If I make a purchase at a store and the cost is $6.66, I'll ask them to charge me another penny. My aunt has had a bird sitting outside of her window for the past week. That's not a good sign. yeah...I'm superstitious...

2. If you were an animal..what kind would you be?
A kitty cat! I love kitties. I have three and could could have more if I could! What a life to be a house cat. Eat, sleep, get tummy rubs and laze in the sun.

3. You would never catch me wearing.........?
Crocs. I cannot stand the things. I'm talking of the regular ones. I know the company makes sandals and other types of shoes, which are nice. But the traditional croc look...Ugh. I don't care how comfortable they supposedly are. They have no place on an adult foot!

4. If someone posts a you watch it?
Depending on the length. I'm not one to sit and watch someone for a long period of time. I guess that comes with the way our news is presented these days. Quick, fast, to the point!

5. Have you ever waxed your girlie/manly parts..or any other part of your body?
I get my eyebrows waxed every now and then. I have very fine blonde eyebrow and arm/leg hair so I can go a while without a proper wax job. That being said, I have a very low tolerance for pain and have enough trouble getting my eyebrows done. I could never imagine having that done to any other body parts...especially there...ick...

6. Are you a spender or a saver?
I try to save. I have a savings account through work and RRSP's for my retirement year. However I rarely have money left over at the end of the pay period. I'm working on it.....

7. If you were starring in a movie..who would you want to play your leading man/woman?
The list is quite long, lol. But I would have to say Hugh Jackman. He is so yummy! *sigh* I'm getting all weak in the knees just thinking of him now.

8. Smoker..never smoker..or smoked back in the day?
Never ever ever smoked. Have no desire for it. Will never have a desire for it. Does not enjoy the smell of it around me or on other people around me. My mother is a smoker and growing up I was exposed to it all the time, including in the car with the windows rolled up. Ugh.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weigh-in Woes

Well, I'm down this week. A whopping total of 0.4.

These past couple of weeks have been very frustrating for me on the scale. In three weeks I've only managed to lose a pound, something that I was doing every week a month ago.

I stopped going to Curves, but I've been meeting nearly those same activity points and then some by doing other exercises.

I could blame the stress of Oscar's passing which I'm still carrying around some grief. I could blame Wednesday's horrible out of control food lust.

Instead I'm going to sigh heavily, shrug my shoulders and go about my day...a day which holds horrors of its own....

I'm dragging myself to Shediac to try on some bathingsuits for our trip to Florida later this month. Last year's bathingsuit does not fit anymore (yay!) and I need something new to torture myself with look glam in.

And in three more weeks, our instructor has announced a second bootcamp night in support of Relay for Life. There's nothing that's holding me back from that!