I walked away with two tank tops, two t-shirts, a blouse, a sun dress and a necklace for $30. Not bad if I say so myself. Got to love buying in a smaller size, that's for sure!
Friday was another kickboxing mayhem. Our instructor really pushes us on Fridays. I figure he really expects us to let loose on the weekend afterall. I really needed that push since all week the scale was showing up to 3lbs gained. At work we had a couple of celebration cakes and I had bought some 1 Point chocolates to treat myself this week. Bad idea. Seems as though sugar is not going to be easy for me to take in while trying to lose weight.
I did end up losing 1.2lb this week with my official weigh in on Saturday morning. But I can't help but think what I could have accomplished sans sugar. Even though I was well within my Points, it proved to be a big thing :(
So a busy week led to a lazy weekend so far. Yesterday my husband brought me out for supper (say goodbye to most of my Flex Points, but so worth it) and we watched some rentals. Today we're going to a movie then over to my cousins for pizza and the hockey game. The week ahead is going to be another busy one with 20-30 cm of snow expected tomorrow. Bleh. I'm done with shovelling and snow.
On the upside, I did find a new breakfast fave at Superstore. It's a microwavable bowl of frozen steel-cut oats (with blueberries 2pts, with almonds and vanilla 4pts). I don't know the difference between steel-cut oats and my usual Quakers, but I do know it is delish and filling!
I normally have a bowl of Cheerios and a banana or a Weight Watchers breakfast quesadilla to get my mornings started. But these are definintely going into my rotation of breakfasts!